English Countryside

A few nights in the English countryside is a great complement to a trip to London.  There are numerous lovely properties at which to to stay, from historic castles and homes to cozy inns. 

There are many activities for both families and couples:  exploring quaint towns in the Cotswolds, Range Rover driving lessons, cooking classes, horseback riding, falconry, archery and hiking (in the requisite Wellies - pictured above), to name a few.

There is a lot to see and much of it we (and our kids) have studied.  Stonehenge, Bath, and Windsor Castle, among other great sites.  St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle (pictured above) is of particular interest these days thanks to the fact that Prince Harry & Meghan Markle are getting married there this month.  I am a Downton Abbey fan and felt like I was living out my Downton Abbey fantasies when I saw the wall of bells at Cliveden, a gorgeous country house retreat in Berkshire.

I was there in December and enjoyed the Christmas markets, but late spring, summer and early fall are probably the best times to visit to take full advantage of the outdoor activities and experience the beautiful gardens.


Andre Koester